Beehive Affordable Homes was inspired by the combined experience of its two co-founders and directors, who have held senior positions across multiple local authorities, housing companies and financial institutions.
Jonathan Bunt
co-founder and director
Jonathan Bunt
co-founder and director
A highly regarded and well-known expert in the sector, Jonathan has worked in local government for more than 20 years, including seven years as strategic director at London Borough of Barking & Dagenham and the creator of B&D Reside, the council’s affordable housing company. Jonathan continues to support councils on the development and delivery of affordable housing and regeneration schemes. He has been a board member of Barnsbury Housing Association since 2017.
Chris spent more than 15 years at RBS’ Investment Bank, latterly as Co-Head of Corporate Risk Solutions for the UK. His specific focus was on the more complex corporate and ‘event’ transactions, where he coordinated the client’s funding and risk management needs. In 2015, Chris co-founded investment advisory firm Ashmore Financial to focus on the funding and risk management requirements of predominantly public sector clients.
Beehive Affordable Homes was established in Autumn 2021 to help local authorities address homelessness, while offering a solution to housing associations looking to sell homes
Our values
Our mission is to be part of the systemic change needed to improve life outcomes for vulnerable households by enabling increased provision of high quality affordable housing
Our funders
Significant financial backing from global asset manager Macquarie Asset Management, enables portfolios to be acquired at scale and speed
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